My belle soeur brought me some topinambour last harvest, which was something I had never heard of. It was so delicious that I ended up ordering it again from the store. When I looked up the translation it turns out to be Jerusalem artichoke, which I had heard of but never prepared before last summer. We’re having it tonight puréed with garlic and cream as a side to our pork chops. Which is not a very kosher thing to do to the Jerusalem artichokes.
Look my tulip has a bud! I didn’t expect buds so soon. I planted black tulips and white tulips and I am so excited to see them flower. I wonder which one this is. Probably white.
The bald tilleul tree is getting busy. This little guy is growing right out of the trunk.
My hyacinth standing proudly in the arena with corpses of the less sturdy slain left and right. The prunus has showered the victor with its pink petals.
A double espresso in my Bavarian china that I bought for 5 euros at a brocante last summer. A brocante is a fair, I guess, in this case like a garage sale except that it’s in the center of town. I need the double as my Wednesdays consist of two cumulative hours of walking back and forth dragging children and strollers, and two hours on my feet teaching reluctant students.
Young Knight’s class mascot sniffing the flower that YK brought home to plant. Can you tell Moustache is not real?
A closeup of Petit Prince, mostly for the benefit of his grandparents and aunts and uncles far away. I know he’s getting more than his fair share of camera time but that’s because he’s home more than his brother and sister. That’ll change next Fall.
Happy Wendsday!
Beautiful beautiful photos . . . I just love the look at your life . . . your pictures always make me smile.
Have a wonderful day, my friend.
I have never heard of Jerusalem Artichokes before. Are they wildly different from the regular kind? (they certainly look different!)
We only have stuffed pets at our house (the tragedy of apartment living) so Moustache would fit right in.
I love your china. Really beautiful!
Moustache isn’t real??!! 🙂
Dinner sounds delicious, and your little prince is a handsome fellow 🙂
Love that china. Never ate Jerusalem artichokes–they look like fresh ginger.
Petit Prince is indeed adorable. Those rosy cheeks!
Thank you Froggy. I was nervous to mention it because I didn’t want to impose. I forgot to add you can also look online for the NIV version. You just type in chapter, book and verse in the search engine. 🙂
Young Knight brought you a beautiful primrose! Thanks for the picture of Peanut looking like he’s going to tell you a wonderful tale.
I would never have guessed that was a primrose. I would have thought a geranium. (Shows how much I know about flowers). But I recently read in a book that someone planted a primrose that was a bush. Is that possible?
GORGEOUS photographs, dear 🙂 These are lovely. I love to see signs of Spring again.
I’ve never tried a Jersualem artichoke. Sounds yummy!